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A linked list whose elements can store functions.


npm install linkedfunclist


Please see Docs.

Contributing Guidelines

  1. Specification outline (see Docs > Specification) must be updated to include new functionality.
  2. All tests must pass and have descriptive tags that make it easy to tell which areas of the specification they satisfy e.g. 4.e.A.
  3. Code must adhere to JavaScript Standard Style.
  4. New code must include ESDoc documentation.
  5. Build must pass TravisCI.





Anwar Hahj Jefferson-George


This module exports a single class, LinkedFuncList.

Instance Properties:

1. next

  • a. is null by default
  • b. can only have a value of
    • null, or
    • an instance of LinkedFuncList, self-inclusive

2. func

  • a. is null by default
  • b. can only have a value of
    • null, or
    • an object of type function

3. [Symbol.iterator]

  • a. returns a generator function that produces the ordered unique set of next properties
    • A. starting with this LinkedFuncList instance,
    • B. continuing with all LinkedFuncList instances linked via next, and
    • C. terminating before any next whose value is
      • i. null, or
      • j. this (starting) LinkedFuncList instance.

4. chainCall

  • a. is an asynchronous function that accepts any start argument, any end argument
  • b. returns a Promise corresponding to the ordered set of chained calls to unique func properties of the next properties of the LinkedFuncList where
    • A. the starting function recieves the start argument
    • B. each function called in the Promise recieves the result of the previous function in the chain
    • C. the functions are called with their this values set to this LinkedFuncList instance (the initiator of the traversal
    • D. errors thrown in the functions cause the Promise to reject
    • E. the order of the calls to the functions corresponds to the order of iteration produced by this[Symbol.iterator] even if the functions are asynchronous
    • F. any func properties having non-function values will be replaced with a passthrough function that preserves the recieved value supplied to it
  • c. if the end argument is a function, it is called at the end of the chain's execution with the chain's result

5. callAll

  • a. is an asynchronous function that accepts any start argument,
  • b. returns a Promise corresponding to the ordered set of calls to unique func properties of the next properties of the LinkedFuncList where
    • A. all functions recieve the start argument
    • B. the functions are called with their this values set to this LinkedFuncList instance (the initiator of the traversal
    • C. errors thrown in the functions cause the Promise to reject
    • D. any func properties having non-function values will be replaced with a passthrough function that preserves the recieved value supplied to it

6. link

  • a. is a function that accepts any number of arguments
  • b. substitutes passthrough functions for arguments that are not
    • function objects, or
    • LinkedFuncList instances
  • c. creates a chained list of LinkedFuncList instances where
    • A. the first element in the chain is this instance (the caller)
    • B. the order of the elements in the chain correspond to the order of arguments supplied to the link function
    • C. function-valued arguments are replaced with new LinkedFuncList instances whose func properties correspond to the argument being replaced

7. length

  • a. is a number always greater than 0
  • b. reveals the number of LinkedFuncList instances in this list, including this current instance



npm install linkedfunclist
